WB ANM GNM Admit Card 2024: Link Released Today at Official Website

In a significant development for aspirants across West Bengal, the West Bengal Joint Entrance Examinations Board (WBJEEB) has announced that the WB ANM GNM Admit Card 2024 will be released today. This long-awaited news comes as a relief to thousands of candidates who have been eagerly waiting to download their admit cards and proceed with their examination preparations. The admit card is an essential document, serving as an entry pass for the examination and containing crucial details such as the examination venue, date, and timings.

The WBJEEB, which conducts the entrance examination for Auxiliary Nursing Midwifery (ANM) and General Nursing and Midwifery (GNM) courses, had earlier notified the examination dates. Now, with the admit cards being released, candidates are urged to download them as soon as possible from the official website, wbjeeb.nic.in. This article provides a comprehensive overview of the process, along with important information about the examination and how candidates can access their admit cards.

Overview of WB ANM GNM Admit Card 2024

Exam NameWB ANM GNM 2024
Admit Card Release DateAugust 11, 2024
Official Websitewbjeeb.nic.in
Exam DateAugust 25, 2024
Courses OfferedANM (Auxiliary Nursing Midwifery), GNM (General Nursing and Midwifery)
Mode of ExaminationOffline (Pen and Paper-based)
Exam Duration2 Hours
Number of Questions100
Type of QuestionsMultiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
SubjectsPhysics, Chemistry, Biology, and General Knowledge
Helpline Number1800-1023-781

The Significance of WB ANM GNM Admit Card 2024

The WB ANM GNM Admit Card 2024 is more than just a hall ticket; it is a gateway for candidates aspiring to pursue a career in nursing. The admit card not only verifies the candidate’s eligibility to sit for the examination but also ensures that they are well-informed about the examination details. Without this crucial document, candidates will not be allowed to enter the examination hall, making it imperative for everyone to download and print their admit cards well in advance of the examination date.

This year, the examination is scheduled to take place on August 25, 2024, and the admit card release today marks the final phase of preparations for the candidates. The admit card contains vital information, including the candidate’s roll number, examination center address, reporting time, and instructions to be followed on the day of the examination. It is recommended that candidates thoroughly check all the details mentioned on the admit card and ensure that there are no discrepancies.

How to Download the WB ANM GNM Admit Card 2024

Downloading the WB ANM GNM Admit Card 2024 is a straightforward process, but candidates must follow each step carefully to avoid any issues. The admit card is available exclusively online, and candidates are required to access it through the official WBJEEB website. Here’s how candidates can download their admit cards:

First, candidates should visit the official website of the West Bengal Joint Entrance Examinations Board at wbjeeb.nic.in. Upon reaching the homepage, they need to navigate to the ‘ANM & GNM 2024’ section, where they will find the link to download the admit card. Clicking on this link will redirect them to the login page, where they must enter their registration number and password. After logging in, the admit card will be displayed on the screen. Candidates should carefully review all the details before downloading and printing the admit card. It is advisable to keep multiple copies of the admit card for future reference.

Importance of Early Download and Verification

Given the importance of the WB ANM GNM Admit Card 2024, candidates are strongly advised to download it as soon as the link is activated on the official website. Delaying the download could result in technical issues or server overload, as thousands of candidates will be attempting to access the site simultaneously. Furthermore, early download gives candidates ample time to verify the details on their admit card and contact the authorities in case of any discrepancies.

In the past, there have been instances where candidates faced issues with incorrect details on their admit cards, such as wrong names or incorrect examination centers. By downloading the admit card early, candidates can ensure that such issues are resolved well before the examination date. If any errors are found, candidates should immediately reach out to the WBJEEB helpline for assistance. The helpline number is provided on the official website and in the overview table above.

Examination Day Guidelines

On the day of the examination, candidates must adhere to a set of guidelines to ensure smooth conduct of the examination. The WB ANM GNM Admit Card 2024 must be carried in its original, printed form to the examination center. Candidates should also bring along a valid photo ID proof, such as an Aadhaar card, passport, or voter ID, for verification purposes.

Candidates are required to reach the examination center well before the reporting time mentioned on the admit card. Latecomers will not be allowed to enter the examination hall under any circumstances. The examination is conducted in an offline mode, and candidates will be provided with an OMR sheet to mark their answers. They must follow the instructions provided by the invigilators and refrain from any unfair practices during the examination.

Electronic devices, such as mobile phones, calculators, and smartwatches, are strictly prohibited inside the examination hall. Candidates are also advised to avoid bringing any unnecessary items to the examination center, as storage facilities may not be available.

What to Do After the Examination

Once the WB ANM GNM 2024 examination is completed, candidates should keep their admit cards safe until the entire admission process is over. The admit card may be required during counseling and further stages of the admission process. Candidates should also regularly check the official website for updates on the result declaration and subsequent procedures.

The WBJEEB is expected to announce the results within a few weeks after the examination. Successful candidates will be called for counseling, where they will be allotted seats based on their ranks and preferences. The counseling process is a crucial step in securing admission to the ANM and GNM courses, and candidates should be well-prepared with all the necessary documents.


The release of the WB ANM GNM Admit Card 2024 marks a critical juncture for candidates aspiring to pursue nursing courses in West Bengal. As the examination date approaches, candidates must ensure that they have their admit cards ready and that all details are accurate. The admit card is not just a formality; it is a key document that will guide candidates through the examination process and beyond.

With the admit card now available for download, candidates are urged to act swiftly, verify their details, and prepare diligently for the upcoming examination. The WBJEEB has provided all the necessary information on their official website, and candidates should make full use of these resources to ensure a smooth and successful examination experience.

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